There are separate Advanced Search systems for the DML Catalogue and Combined Search functions, but both are very similar.
Library Catalogue
Clicking on the Advanced Search button below the search bar will bring up this page:
From top to bottom, the options are divided into three sections:
- Search terms with Boolean operators and field selection
- Filter selection
- Sorting options
Boolean Operators
Instead of just one search term, you can use several at once. You may use Boolean operators to broaden or narrow a search. There are three operators, each with its own function:
- AND: by selecting AND, your search will only return results that contain both this search term and your first one
- OR: by selecting OR, your search will return anything that has either this search term or your first one
- NOT: by selecting NOT, anything including this search term will be excluded from your results
You can add as many search terms as you need using the + button on the right side of the search bars, or remove a term using the – button. New search terms can have any of the Boolean operators and your search will return only results that fit all of your conditions
Choosing a field will tell your search where to look for your search terms in the catalogue entries. The main fields are:
- Keyword
- Subject
- Title
- Series Title
- Call Number
- Author
- Notes/Comments
Within some of these there are subfields if you wish to be more precise. Some of these fields will return many results, while others are extremely specific. Combined with the use of Boolean operators, this allows for highly specific searches that can cover a whole subsector of a field. Here is a possible example:
Filter selection
There are two categories of filter selection available:
- Item Type: this will filter for a category of resource. For example, you can choose for your search results to include only online resources. This is especially helpful when searching for types of resources the library has fewer of, such as audio or maps, rather than the extensive book collection.
- Collection: There are several smaller sections of the library collection that are catalogued together, such as the Theses or the Jesuitica Collection. Again, these are most helpful if you’re looking for something unusual, such as a pamphlet or thesis, or are interested in a specific area. For example, Jewish antique texts can be found in the Judaica Collection.
Sorting Options
Each of these options will limit your search to results that fit your preferences. The date range tool is particularly useful, both for finding recent material and for surveying the discussions on a topic during a particular period.
Combined Search Advanced Search
Once you’ve done a Combined Search, you can click on Advanced Search underneath the search bar on the right, which will take you to this page:
The search bars work in the same way as the DML Catalogue system, with some slightly different fields available that reflect the different resources available through the Combined Search. The filters available work in the same way too but, as the image shows, there are far fewer options. This is because the Combined Search is already limited by the fact that it is primarily designed for searching an online database rather than a physical collection, so there are fewer types of resources and ways of sorting them than in the DML. Additionally, filter options are already available through the basic search interface.
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