Library Hours
Opening Hours
Library opening hours,
Mon - Fri: 9am-5pm
The library will
be closed on
Melbourne Cup Day
(5 November)
and for the Christmas break
(16 December 2024–3 January 2025)
News, Events and Exhibitions
The Big Re-Set: 2024 ANZTLA Conference
The Big Re-Set—the 38th annual conference of ANZTLA (the Australian and New Zealand Theological Library Association)—will be held conjointly at Dalton McCaughey Library, and Corpus Christ College (180 Drummond Street, Carlton). Get the conference program and your ticket at
Michael McGirr is the keynote speaker, and a collection of his works are on display on the ground floor of the Dalton McCaughey Library.
Community Survey – Media and information
In honour of Global Media and Information Literacy Week (24-31 Oct), DML is launching a community survey to better understand the media and information habits, preferences and needs of DML patrons.
Texts from the Syriac Language Research Centre
Explore Near Eastern scripts from the Syria Language Research Centre’s collections, curated by Charbel El-Khaissi. The centre has one of the largest Near Eastern language text collections in the southern hemisphere—here at the Dalton McCaughey Library.